Training: Optimising Process Heat Systems 2nd and 4th of July
Optimising Process Heat Systems Online Training
Dates: 2nd & 4th July (2 days Tue & Thur)
Times: 9.00am–5:00pm (NZST)
Venue: Online (Via GotoMeeting)
Trainer: Jonathan Pooch (DETA Consulting)
CEP is delivering a 2-day online course designed to enable the fine tuning of industrial processes to minimise energy use, cost and carbon emissions while maintaining process integrity and quality.
Who is the course for?
The course delivers the essential knowledge needed by plant operators, maintenance managers, contractor-based engineers and designers and graduate energy engineers to keep the processes they manage running smoothly, effectively and efficiently. The course will benefit them and, through them, their employers who will enjoy reduced costs and more efficient operations.
It is geared towards cost savings in larger organisations operating industrial processes, especially those with significant energy consumption.