CEP Event news

Training: Energy Management for Facilities Managers 6th and 7th August

CEP Energy Management for Facilities Managers training

Energy Management for Facilities Managers Online Training

Dates: 6th & 7th August 2024 (2 days)
Times: 9.00am-5.00pm (NZST) includes breaks
CPD: 12 hours (CEP framework)
Delivery: Online (GotoMeeting)
Trainer: Erin Roughton (Managing Director at Energy Management Solutions Ltd)


Are you a facilities manager, property owner, energy advisor looking to improve indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and make a positive impact on your property’s energy consumption and costs?

This engaging course, designed in collaboration with the Facilities Management Association of New Zealand, offers invaluable insights into optimising building systems for efficient resource utilisation.

Learn how to manage your property’s energy use and gain a better understanding of the ways to manage and mitigate unnecessary energy use. Hear how to make the building perform more efficiently which can lead to substantial short and long term energy and cost savings.

Who will benefit most from this training?

  • Commercial and office building, facilities and maintenance managers
  • Property owners, operations and asset managers
  • Energy advisors and recent graduates.

Enhance your understanding of IEQ, energy efficiency, HVAC systems and building optimisation.  Take the next step in your professional journey!


Published 22 July 2024

CEP Energy Management for Facilities Managers training

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