CEP News archive

Pumped Hydro, Nuclear, Performance Contracts – What lies ahead?

Pumped Hydro, Nuclear, Performance Contracts - What lies ahead?

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins It’s been another exciting news week as we count down to election time with news of an investigation into the viability of using Lake Onslow as a pumped storage facility. Setting asides the debate on the practical and engineering merits of a large storage facility near the bottom of…

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Fellows, Webinars and Innovation in Pumped Hydro

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins      Firstly, I’m delighted to announce our first webinar for 2021. On 16 March at 4.00pm join Rob Bishop, Life member and Hall of Famer of CEP, who will be providing an introduction on how to reduce emissions from commercial buildings through efficiency. Rob will be talking about…

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Efficiency, Employment and Waste

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins      So, we have another three years (at least) of a Labour government and while Ministerial portfolios have not been announced yet, one thing we can be confident of is that the Onslow project review will go ahead. Interesting then, that this week several systems operators around the…

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Networking, Conference and Surplus Milk?

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins      It’s been another full-on week for international, local and CEP news. Starting off close to home, we had a couple of great networking events this week enjoying excellent turnouts at both Wellington and Auckland. Numbers were boosted by members of the Young Energy Professionals Network and Sustainability…

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Welcome Back

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RFP Announcement from CEP

We have exciting news this week about some upcoming work which will take us up a level on our activities to help members thrive in the rapidly evolving carbon and energy management space. We’re announcing an RFP today seeking proposals that will look at bringing new training on stream and undertaking a couple of feasibility…

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