CEP News archive

Are hydrogen and soil the answers?

Are hydrogen and soil the answers?

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins Well, here endeth our first full week of life at the end of a telephone or video link. The people I’ve talked to mostly seem to be retaining their sanity – for now anyway.    One of the crucial things we all need to do is retain our engagement…

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Networking, Conference and Surplus Milk?

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins      It’s been another full-on week for international, local and CEP news. Starting off close to home, we had a couple of great networking events this week enjoying excellent turnouts at both Wellington and Auckland. Numbers were boosted by members of the Young Energy Professionals Network and Sustainability…

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Artificial Intelligence, Space Energy and Community Engagement

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins      Firstly, a reminder we have networking events next week, in Wellington on Monday and Auckland on Wednesday. Christchurch follows the Monday after. We’ve had lots of registrations so far and are expecting plenty of new faces. Please come along and please register (below) so that you get…

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Preventing Outages, Debunking Blue Hydrogen and Autonomous Scooters

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins    Power outages dominated the energy news locally this week and while this story has received adequate coverage in the media around who or what was to blame, of interest to Transpower looking forward is the announcement out of the UK this week of a collaboration between its system…

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Emergencies, Call for Papers and Member Survey

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins      Finally, we have a climate emergency declared. You will have seen and heard plenty about that to have made up your minds on the efficacy of the declaration, and opinions will differ, so I shall move on swiftly. We held another, excellent networking event this week, this…

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Topical, Professional and the Best Ever

News from CEO – Mike Hopkins    Well, what an event. Record attendance, superb speakers, great food, excellent location and an outstanding MC to keep things moving. The feedback we’ve been getting pretty much all falls into the category of “best ever”. We might slip some photos into the newsletter over the next few weeks…

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