CEP Event news

Training: Carbon Auditor – Auditing GHG Inventories 22nd and 24th Oct


Training: Carbon Auditor (Auditing GHG Inventories)

Dates:  22 & 24 October 2024 (2 days, Tues & Thurs)
Times: 9.00am-4.30pm each day approx (NZST) (includes breaks)
CPD: 12 hours (CEP framework)
Venue: Online (Via GotoMeeting)
Trainer: Osana Robertson & Rhea Selwan (Toitū Envirocare)


This 2-day course covers the requirements of ISO 14064-3:2019 for auditing organisational inventories, and prepares participants to perform the complete audit process including:

  • Auditing principles
  • Audit team selection
  • Preparing for audit
  • Audit activities and techniques
  • How much review is enough?
  • Preparing audit reports and opinions

The course will include a mix of audit theory and practical activities.

Please note: For participants who do not have a sound working knowledge of ISO 14064-1 this course has a pre-requisite of the CEP Preparing a Carbon Inventory course or equivalent.

Attendee Feedback

“This training has been invaluable for the continued professional development and training of our team to enable them to in turn support Southern businesses.” Stephen Canny (General Manager Strategic Projects, Great South)

“Even if you don’t want to be a Carbon Auditor, this course is very helpful for those developing GHG Inventories or helping others develop them, so they know where to concentrate their effort to achieve verification.” Martin Garrood (Energy and Carbon Consultant)

Published: 17 September 2024

CEP training Greenhouse Gas Audit

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