CEP Event news

Seize the opportunity with early bird discounts

CEP Conference 2024_Earlybird Registrations Open

Seize the opportunity with early bird discounts!

Time is running out, and the call to accelerate efforts in combating climate change has never been more pressing. Whether referencing staying calm or holding on to the 1.5oC target, we’ll be keeping cool.

Mark your calendars for the pinnacle event at the close of May 2024 at the Christchurch Town Hall. This is the moment when key figures, influencers and decision-makers, instrumental in initiating, planning and executing projects that lead us towards our 2030 and 2050 goals, will convene in one place.

It’s the paramount occasion of the year to unite, share insights and glean knowledge from one another, all within a laid-back and refreshing atmosphere. Secure your spot now with early bird registrations. For even greater savings, take advantage of a 10% discount on the second and subsequent registrations when you register two or more attendees from the same organisation.

Join us for this unparalleled opportunity to shape the future, foster collaboration and contribute to a sustainable and cool environment for all.

View Early bird registration options.

Published 24 January 2024

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