EMANZ Conference 2016
NZ’s premier flagship event in the energy efficiency and energy management calendar!
The 2016 conference theme of Energy Productivity and Partnerships – The Next Energy (R)evolution will explore energy productivity at a macro and micro level with experts from throughout the productivity and energy sectors.
Practitioners and policy makers will share their experience on what has and hasn’t worked in the partnership space within energy management and other industries. Technical energy management knowledge will be enhanced while cutting edge issues for the sector are explored. International keynote speakers will add a global perspective as delegates learn about the different ways Energy Productivity and Partnerships will contribute to the Next Energy Revolution and impact on businesses and the wider New Zealand economy.
Being held in Auckland on 17-18 May, the 2016 conference is timed to coincide with the EECA Awards evening on 18 May. The conference will be held on the 9th floor of the Westpac complex at Britomart in the heart of Auckland with registration commencing at 8:00am for a 9:00am start.
For further details phone (04) 385 2839.
Key Dates
- 9 December 2015 – Early Bird registrations open (best value!)
- 26 February 2016 – Key-note speakers announced
- 4 March 2016 – Saver registrations open (Early Bird registrations close)
- 8 April 2016 – Standard registrations open (Saver registrations close)
- 17-18 May 2016 – EMANZ Conference, Auckland
- 18 May 2016 (evening) – EECA Awards, Auckland
- 19 May – Workshop on auditing to the new Energy Audit Standard AS/NZS 3598:2014
Conference Speakers
We have over 25 local and international speakers to increase our understanding of Energy Productivity and Partnerships by sharing their views, research, case studies, and experience.
We are delighted to announce Bill Heaps will be the MC at this years Conference.
Click this link for Speakers and Topics.
We understand that our members are always interested in enhancing their technical energy management knowledge as well as increasing their understanding of cutting edge issues for the sector. We will be running a dual stream programme to ensure these needs are met.
There will be opportunities to enter into discussions with experts in energy productivity, and partnership practitioners with the hard and soft skills required for success in both the energy management field and others. So don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired and informed …
Conference Programme
The EMANZ Conference Committee has looked closely at the 2015 Conference delegate feedback, and has sought direct feedback from EMANZ members, in order to create a very exciting line up of local and international speakers who will bring pertinence and relevance to the theme of the 2015 programme Energy Productivity and Partnerships – The Next Energy (R)evolution.
This promises to be a great professional development opportunity click here for the full Conference Programme.
Investment and Registration
We have a range of prices with the best being made available to EMANZ members – click here for details about becoming a member of EMANZ to get this benefit.
Learn more about Investment and Registration 2016.
Sponsors: Increase your profile with your target market
Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the premier energy management event of 2016. Leverage your brand and show your support – don’t miss out!
Limited exhibition space is available to product and service providers across both days of the Conference. Market yourself face-to-face with a dedicated space in the refreshments area.
See the full range of opportunities in the Sponsorship Proposal (PDF).
Click here for Sponsors and Exhibitors for the 2016 Conference.
Promote your brand through a lunchtime presentation! 15 minute presentation slots are available in the lunch break on both days of the Conference for businesses to promote their products and services. Discounts are available to those sponsoring or exhibiting also. Contact EMANZ for further details.
We look forward to partnering with you at the EMANZ Conference 2016 in Auckland!
Conference Sponsors 2016
We thank our Sponsors for supporting this year’s Conference.