CEP Event news

Conference presentation: Electrification is the Win-Win for all New Zealanders

Image of a small kitset wooden house with a hand holding an electrical plug and a green background

Electrification is the Win-Win for all New Zealanders

Mike Casey is an orchardist in Central Otago who believes he has created the world’s first fully electric farm. He has electrified 21 machines on his farm and in his home and powers them through New Zealand’s national grid, as well as through his on-farm renewable system.

Mike is now the Chief Executive of Rewiring Aotearoa, a New Zealand charity dedicated to electrifying millions of fossil fuel machines in New Zealand as fast as possible. Why? It’s a Win-Win. Everyone saves money, and everyone saves emissions. We now just have to figure out how to make it easy.

Electrification is the low-hanging fruit of our national emissions. Rewiring Aotearoa released an Electric Homes report which outlines the true economic benefit of electrifying all machines in our homes as well as the incredible emissions reductions. Join Mike, on day one of conference, as he steps through the economic benefits for our homes and some of the work we now need to do as a nation to make electrification easy for everyone. New Zealand will be the first fully electric economy if we all work together to make it happen.

Join Mike, on day one of conference, as he steps through the economic benefits for our homes and some of the work we now need to do as a nation to make electrification easy for everyone. New Zealand will be the first fully electric economy if we all work together to make it happen.

Meet all our Conference Speakers.

Published 7 May 2024

CEP Conference 2024_Speaker Mike Casey

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