CEP Event news

Call for papers deadline

CEP Conference 2024_Call for papers deadline

Call for papers deadline

Call for papers – closes Friday, 26 January 2024

CEP invites the submission of abstracts for review for possible inclusion in the programme of CEP Conference 2024, Keeping Cool.

Presentation sessions will last between 20 and 30 minutes, depending on final programming. Sessions need to be educational and of interest to delegates, overt sales promotion is not permitted.

Papers covering issues of energy efficiency, decarbonisation, bioenergy and sustainability are welcome. Abstracts should be:

  • At most 300 words long, and cover the title, synopsis of content and an explanation of why delegates will find the session of interest.
  • Accompanied by a biography of the presenter (not included in the 300 word limit).

Accepted presenters will receive complimentary registration for the day that they present. Joint presentations are welcome, however, only the lead presenter will receive a complimentary registration.

Abstracts will be reviewed in early February.


Call for workshop proposals – closes Friday, 26 January 2024

CEP is calling for proposals to prepare and run the four workshop sessions during the conference.

Each workshop will be restricted to around 25 people and will be an interactive discussion on the topic lasting around 90 minutes. For illustration, 2023 topics were: Heat pumps, local authorities, project finance and biofuels.

Workshop proposals should be:

  • At most 400 words long and cover the title, synopsis of content, an explanation of why delegates will find the sessions of interest, and a profile of the typical attendee i.e. who you think will be interested in the topic.
  • Accompanied by biographies of the facilitation team, including their roles and expected contribution (not included in the 400 word limit).

Workshop facilitators will receive complimentary registrations for the day of the workshop (maximum three people).

Proposals will be reviewed in early February.


How to submit your papers

Please email your paper or proposal to Mike Hopkins (CEO).

Published 17 January 2024

CEP Conference 2023 exhibitor

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