Name | Wellington City Council |
Contact person | Alison Howard |
Phone | +64 4 803 8810 |
Address | 101 Wakefield Street, Wellington 6011 |
Website | |
Region(s) of operation | Wellington |
Short bio | Wellington City Council is the local authority for New Zealand’s Capital. Flanked by beautiful beaches and rugged natural environments, the iconic landscapes of Wellington City are known across New Zealand and beyond. Rated the world’s most livable city two years in a row by Deutsche Bank, the city clearly has a lot to offer ranging from culture to coffee. But Wellington is also a city of ambition. One needs only to walk along the waterfront and read the installations on the Wellington Writer’s Walk, and peruse the words of Daphne Brassell: “It’s true you can’t live here by chance, you have to do and be, not simply watch or even describe. This is the city of action, the world headquarters of the verb” Wellington City Council has committed to a net Zero Carbon city and council by 2050. But among carbon and energy professionals we know targets must be married to action. As a result, when putting those targets in place the Council passed Te Atakura – First to Zero, a blueprint for action that will be explored as we approach the 2021 LTP.
Nickname | wellingtoncitycouncil |