A systematic approach to improve professional performance
The opportunities to improve energy use in the industrial sector are significant but also challenging. Industrial systems are complex and require a systematic approach to improve their performance.
CEP (EMANZ) works with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and our members to establish technical standards and guidelines for getting the best performance out of industrial processes.
The technical standards provided here form the basis of many of Energy Master accreditation.
These technical standards are designed to be referenced and used by:
- Energy auditing professionals,
- Customers of audits as a basis for specification of services, and
- Technically proficient professionals working for industrial organisations.
Please note: All of the Audit Standards below have been updated in June 2015 to account for changes to AS/NZS 3598: 2000 that was updated in 2014 to become AS/NZS 3598.1: 2014 (Commercial Buildings) and AS/NZS 3598.2: 2014 (Industrial and related activities). AS/NZS 3598.3: 2014 (Transport and related activities) was also updated in 2014.
Audit Standards
- The Compressed Air Systems (CAS) Audit Standard provides a comprehensive technical methodology and audit template for auditing industrial compressed air systems.
- The Fan Systems Audit Standard provides a comprehensive technical methodology and audit template for auditing fan systems.
- The Pumping Systems Audit Standard provides a comprehensive technical methodology and audit template for auditing industrial pumping systems.
- The Process Heat Systems Audit Standard provides a comprehensive technical methodology and audit template for auditing process heat systems.
- The Refrigeration Systems Audit Standard provides a comprehensive technical methodology and audit template for auditing industrial refrigeration systems.
Other reference material
- Cool-store Energy Baseline Guide – A guide to establishing the baseline energy usage of refrigeration systems in New Zealand cool-stores.
- Base level audit requirements – Refrigeration Systems – Specifies information required and areas to address in conducting a base level cool-store audit.