Next delivery
Dates: 13 & 15 August 2024 (2 days, Tues & Thurs)
Times: 9.30am-2.30pm each day approx (NZST) includes breaks
CPD: 9 hours (CEP framework)
Venue: Online (Via GotoMeeting)
Trainers: Steve Schoultz (Toitū Envirocare)
Preparing a Carbon Inventory Training Course Flyer pdf
This course is for anyone who wants to learn or upskill their technical capacity in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory development. The workshop will give you the tools and know-how in developing and improving the process of preparing sound GHG inventories.
It will give you an overview of ISO 14064-1:2018, an international standard that specifies principles and requirements at the organisation level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals. Similarities and differences between the ISO 14064 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
You will learn about what the updated ISO 14064 standard covers and guide you through the changes:
- Boundary setting and consolidation approaches
- Inventory development and structure
- Emission Sources and classification under the updated ISO 14064 standard
- Audit requirements for verification of your inventory
- Common pitfalls, errors and how you navigate your team to get the data you need to make informed decisions and take action on “SDG 13 – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”.
Course Feedback
“A clearly articulated course covering off the ISO 14064-1 standard and other related material, with relevant examples of current GHG inventories used and plenty of time for questions and discussion.”
Lisa Arnold (Primary Industries Consultant – Horticulture)
“An informative introductory course on mapping out organisation boundaries and inventory. Highly recommend for anyone looking to make their first steps into carbon accounting and accreditation.”
Jacob Hodgson (Implementation and Software Support Administrator)
Energy Solution Providers Ltd
“A compact and palatable introduction into the world of preparing a carbon inventory for an organisation.”
Adam Burwell (Senior Sustainability Consultant)
Who will benefit most from this training?
This training course is aimed at carbon and sustainability professionals, who want to gain skills in developing organisational GHG inventories.
When should you register?
Once we have confirmed delivery dates for this training course, we require a minimum of 6 registered attendees (maximum of 15 attendees per course). Please complete your online registration as soon as possible so we can secure the training delivery date.
Should you require a letter of support to assist with funding approval, please contact the CEP Office.
Please read the Refund Policy before confirming your registration.